News - 18/8/6

Rollerskiing for cross-country skiing

There's no better preparation for cross-country skiing than rollerskiing - with rollerskiing you can pick up the balance, weight transfer and skills of cross-country skiing, as well as preparing the right muscles and developing the required fitness.

Whether it is the classic or skating technique you want to practice or develop, rollerskiing replicates the feeling better than any other activity. And being in the fresh air, rather than the gym, makes for an exhilarating experience.

Developed for serious cross-country ski racers and biathletes, rollerskiing is now a common sight in Scandinavia and the cross-country skiing areas of the alps, the US and Eastern Europe. But it's growing in the UK and Australia, with courses being run by the likes of us, and the various nordic ski clubs. We work with many cross-country skiers to prepare them for their ski holidays, enabling them to spend a lot less time getting used to your skis, when they go on holiday.

For more information on rollerskiing and cross-country skiing, read the following features from our experience -

Why cross-country skiing?
Need a new Nordic Challenge? Try a winter triathlon
Eviva La Marcialonga - ski marathons
Interview with UK cross-country skier Simon Heard
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Our cross-country ski trips